Bulletin: MCO not successful in RUO/CMUO challenge

The Michigan Supreme Court has decided not to rule on the RUO/CMUO case. This means the Court of Appeals ruling, which sided against MCO, will stand.

The 4-3 ruling was released this morning.

The Supreme Court determined that the state Constitution gives the Civil Service Commission authority in this area, and that other concerns, like whether the commission thoroughly examined and weighed evidence, are secondary.

In 2017, a circuit court sided with MCO, but the Supreme Court found that court “erred in manner by failing to afford the Civil Service Commission proper deference.”

Read the full decision here.

“It is important to note that the three democratic (justices) agreed with MCO’s position that the case should have been reviewed under an arbitrary and capricious standard – allowing review of the evidence,” said MCO’s attorney who litigated the case.

The Michigan Supreme Court has final jurisdiction in this matter. The case cannot be appealed.

MCO has been challenging the RUO/CMUO abolishment since 2012. Read a timeline of our actions.